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We're backing Buttegieg - and if you're a good person, you will too.

After the right pulled away what little respect and civility it once had for President Buttegieg, someone had to speak truth to power and defend him.

I wish I could say I’m surprised about the vitriolic attacks — no doubt rooted in homophobia — on President Buttegieg coming from the rightwing media.

But given my political philosophy, it’s no wonder my reaction to the President’s admission of the allegations brought against him is more even keeled. I’ll give you a hint, middle America: it’s in the word liberal.

Liberalism doesn’t have to belong to one political party or another, but consistent tantrums by the right like this one have driven liberals, those who are tolerant of many points of view, to the left. These days, the only different ideas tossed around by righties concern how many civil rights should be afforded to minorities. (The only opinion off-limits in these conversations is the crazy idea that everyone should get equal treatment under the law, BTW.)

But liberals like me believe that human rights aren’t up for debate — if you’re All Lives Matter, pro-Electoral College or anti-single payer healthcare, talk to the hand — but all other topics are. That explains my nuanced take on President Buttegieg’s past.

I believe he misled to the American people to get power. I believe he may have risked compromising his job performance as Mayor when he was also a coach. 

But I also believe in his positions on social issues and his ideas about a reformed Presidency. 

Altogether, I see a capable leader who has no more flaws than any of his constituents. I see more than a decade of his sole focus being on civil service. I see a media that will pounce on him if he so much as looks at a basketball court while President. I see a President that I want to see have the chance to make America a better place for everyone.

If you look at President Buttegieg and don’t see the same person I do, consider your implicit bias. If a straight white man did what President Buttegieg did, would you still disapprove? 

No matter what your opinion, please exercise your civic duty by reaching out to your Congresspeople. Let your voice on the matter be heard. 

But until he’s impeached, Republicans, give him the respect he deserves: it’s President Buttegieg. We Democrats have no problem with that.

And I thought we were supposed to be the unpatriotic ones.




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